Pemblokiran Situs Dewasa

Kamis, 27 Maret 2008 | | 0 komentar |

Sehungan adanya pemblokiran situs dewasa pada tanggal 1 april 2008, kemungkinan akan ditutup. untuk dapat terus menikmati, gambar-gambar dalam situs ini silahkan terlebih dahulu daftar secara GRATIS ke ZIDDU (situs penyedia hosting GRATIS), cantumkan alamat e-mail yang benar saat mendaftar, e-mail yang terdaftar akan kami kirimkan link download yang berisi gambar-gambar yang ada dalam situs ini. Terima Kasih.


Why Every Business Needs a Web Site

Rabu, 05 Maret 2008 | | 2 komentar |

Marketing work as a home business for the firm of your client may merge the company and Internet brick and mortar location together.

Do you understand this statement? Another way to say it is all Planet Earth companies need a website with article content and active email access.
One of the best ways, after having cell phones with pictures, is to connect the two with opt in e-mail. Retailers and every sort of business with many key employees use or should use this whether they are content writers or not.

Business managers, employees, coaches and consultants whose home business marketing work for that business is all Internet, or whose Internet and store location marketing are not connected are living in the antiquated, Fred Flintstone ages, by missing excellent opportunities to drive customers to both their web site and physical door.

Combining the two with email leads to more sales smoothly, faster and they can also be tracked. It saves customers financial and personal time resources and gives your business a true up to date presence.

Online and off line marketing consultants who learn to link direct email marketing campaigns, to every day correspondence, effectively will naturally find themselves with more work from more home Internet business entrepreneurs. Retailers, stock brokerages, furniture stores, accountants the list is endless need this new correspondence link.
Customers can ask questions over email links to the retailer sales floor expert or get quotes for stocks or bonds from online brokers. They can find your listed solar shingle roof supplier to have an energy producing roof installed and other unique needed information like this. The new age of niche correspondence is here.

The prime time marketing task of offering top level awareness for your clients and their traffic to their domain home page or online maps and addresses to and for their store can be done well with e-mail and web developed technology and information. No searching through hard to understand yellow page directories, and lost sales, is needed or wanted.

If your advertising work for that client involves buying a billboard you want to include the Web address. Logging on should include gathering customer information, including their email address, by offering free newsletter info that offers useful information to them. Include a coupon with the email that offers a percentage off their next purchase.
Offer a small discount on their next purchase that is given for answering ten key questions that lets you know their present and future wants and needs. You now have a great profile to shop your customers.

You want to work at marketing and making both into one, in the customers mind, so they unite to hone a profitable home business for yourself. Having an online catalog with good pictures will make your two business views one if you can entice your customers into shopping online and show them why they can also come to the brick store of your clients.

Include listing the hours and location of each of the physical stores of your client. Create an online program of preferred customers who get additional discount coupons online to be redeemed at all their stores or from the catalog on line. Blockbuster has done a good job of this. Membership at Blockbuster dot com, at $14.95 includes unlimited videos order on the Web and delivery by mail. It includes a coupon each week for a free movie at any wood and glass Blockbuster.
All your home business client storefront locations can help with online marketing work by bringing the customers to the Internet with leaflet bag stuffers when they make any purchase.

They do this by offering useful newsletters, e-books and more discount coupons online for email addresses. Serious promises must be made to avoid spam.

Printing the URL on shopping bags, receipts and business cards with useful information like calendars, first aid and sports team schedules customers will keep is effective.

If you look at the back of a Petco, Burger King, Taco Belle or some other alert retailer receipts you will see lots of, we love you and want you back, information on them.

Web addresses and email for free information addresses should be prominently displayed on delivery and service trucks as well. Have this information with catchy, short easy to remember names with a free e-book offer as well.
E-mail, e-commerce marketing does the difficult task of bringing your home business client customers, who are traveling closer to them. It also stimulates people to buy just because the business of your client exists as an online web site presence.

Few will act right away, the more useful emails they receive from the firm the more likely they are going to buy something when their pertinent need or desire arises.

It takes seven contacts to get the average sale. Careful, steady, time spaced emails get results from the customers of your clients.

Naturally your newsletter needs to be sent at least seven times to get a sale. Have stories of customer satisfaction where their needs were met in unique ways. Have employees record them on the sales floor to send to email subscribers. People like stories.
Every email should have an agitate, problem that comes up, possible solution and suggested solutions. Teach your customers to think like you, with emails and e-books and they will come back to you over and over again forever.

An exciting and rewarding part of your home business marketing consulting work is statistical. Keep track of effective techniques for your client Internet and retail business.

Lastly, make it an exciting and fun business for your employees and managers to work with and involve them in it to get their help and cooperation.

E-mail and developing web sites with your physical presence client business will make them more sales and long term customers of yours.

About the Author:

James M. Lowe writes original articles about home business opportunities.

The 3 New Strategies for Marketing Viral Success

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In the b.i. days (before the internet), the success of a mom and pop store depended, among other things, on the big boys of industry.Once they came to town and set up shop, there was no more mom and pop. They were driven out of business by the sheer volume of the mega companies' advertising and capital. Not a pretty site.

The internet has gone a long way to reviving the mom and pop industry. It affords many small businesses the opportunity to compete by using simple cost effective techniques repeated on a continuous basis. One of the techniques is viral marketing commonly referred to as word of mouth.

In the old days viral marketing for small business owners had limited appeal. Yes they could be successful in that particular city, town or even region but it's still nothing compared to the global word of mouth that business owners can tap into right now thanks to the internet. Once you launch your viral marketing campaign, it requires very little follow up on your part and even this has been taken a step further with the emergence of Web 2.0.

Here are some new ways to get the best out of your viral marketing:

1. The Small Report.

There have been some excellent ebooks on the internet chock full of good information but let's face it: many people are not going to read them due to the length. Enter the small report. Putting together a five to ten page report can be done in no time. The same goes for reading it. We suffer from information overload in this day and age so giving people useful information in smaller quantities makes sense.

Find a hot topic and write several articles on it. Place the articles in a pdf file with your name and contact information branded on the report. Tell readers they are free to distribute your report as long as they do not alter it in any way. Then advertise your report in forums on your website and anywhere else you can think of. People want information fast and utilizing small reports is a good way to give them exactly that. It's also a good start to making money from your viral campaign.

2. Video

In 2005, Kevin McCarthy one of the pioneers of online marketing predicted that within a year there would be an explosion of online video. Prediction accomplished. The internet is at the dawning of the video revolution. It is becoming easier and easier to make a video and upload it to places like You Tube or Google Video. In fact Google bought You Tube late last year for 1.65 billion dollars. That's a good indicator of how things are going.

Like the small report, try to keep your video brief and to the point. While people would rather watch than read, you still don't want to overload them. The point of a using a viral video (like reports) for your business is to give visitors useful information but just enough. In the end you want them to get more information by going to your website

3. Folksonomies

Wikipedia defines folksonomy as "a user-generated taxonomy used to categorize and retrieve web content such as Web pages, photographs and Web links". In plain English what they are referring to is tagging; a way to not only retrieve information you want but more importantly to share that information with others. Tagging is nothing more than keywords specifically related to bookmarking social sites like Digg, Technorati or Delicious.

As an example let's say you join Technorati. You then make a video, tag it with the keyword phrase "funny online video" and upload it to your account. Now all individuals within the Technorati community will be able to access your video when they type in that particular keyword. This is very powerful. Tag viral and bookmarking social can put you in front of a large audience immediately.

No matter how new the strategies keep in mind if you want your viral marketing to truly take off then make sure its free. Charging money for your report or video will guarantee you a limited appeal. Free is a powerful psychological trigger for many of us so use it. Also make sure you are providing quality. No one is going to be in a hurry to pass around below average information.

The internet has in many ways leveled the playing field. Just stay alert to any new innovations and be ready to incorporate them into your internet web site marketing strategy. A smart viral marketing campaign can make any small business successful.

About The Author

Daryl Campbell is your internet marketing guide for more tips, tools, resources, free video coaching and up to the minute information. Make the business of growing your business easy and fun at

Internet Marketing Secret - Reduce Identity Crisis in Your Marketing Business

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Identity crisis can occur on a large scale if it extends to your business.If you want to succeed in your internet marketing business, you must be able to get over your identity crisis and be able to get down to work around your chosen identity. This is essential among the other steps in your marketing plan since it will help you get established uniquely in the sphere of your choice.

Here are a few things you must know in order to reduce identity crisis in your marketing business.

Know Your Status

Where are you at this point? Are you at the very beginning or in the middle of an expansion? These are very important questions if you want to establish your identity. Your identity in the business is dependent on your current status.

Know Your Target

Your target will dictate on how you are to adjust what identity to take. Who is your target audience? What will be the most viable identity to take for them? Are you capable of taking on this viable identity or do you need to think up of something else? These questions are vital for you to know your identity with relation to your target audience.

Know Your Available Resources

What do you have at the moment which can help identify you in the business? You need not go too far. You just see what you have now and make best use of it. Your available resources are useful in order for you to identify yourself in light of what you have and how you are to use them in relation to other elements of your marketing strategy.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Your strengths and weaknesses can help show you what you can and cannot do. This will objectively paint a picture of your identity in your business. If you are well able to make use of your strengths and weaknesses, your identity will emerge out of it almost naturally.

Know Your Trademark

Now, this is what will set you apart and help you have your own identity apart from other online money makers. What is your trademark? What image do you already have? Or if you do not have an image yet, what is it that you would like other people to see or perceive when they hear about your business. Know your trademark and stick to it.

About The Author

Joel Christopher is a best-selling author, speaker and mentor, known worldwide as The MasterListBuilder.

To find out more on how you can triple your leads, sales and profits.


Google Adsense - Ads That Make You Money!

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Imagine... being paid checks by the largest and most popular search engine, simply for displaying a few ads on your website for FREE?

Well, this is exactly what the Google Adsense program is all about! And when you think about it, it's a revolutionary way of earning yourself a useful online side income. But let's back up a bit...

In the past, many webmasters displayed ads from various companies, via pop-ups, banners, pop-ins and pop-unders. However, visitors to these sites soon got tired of these advertising methods - I mean, who'd like to go to a website where they'd have to close pop-up windows every other minute? This resulted in a dramatic loss of traffic, and in turn made many webmasters to lose profits.

That's when Google announced a novel program – Google Adsense. Instead of having to use banners and pop-ups to advertise companies and gain a commission, website publishers could now earn a decent profit by displaying unobtrusive text ads on the content pages of their website.

Since the ads displayed were often directly related to what your visitors are looking for on your site, you had a way to both monetize and subtly enhance your web content.

One of the main reasons for its popularity, is the fact that the Google Adsense program is incredibly accurate. By stepping beyond the boundaries of simple keyword matching, it has quickly become one of the most prominent tools to display accurate advertisements. A list of keywords is still used as the basis of triggering ads, but complex algorithms now ensure that non-relevant ads no longer show up on your site.

Google Adsense also gives you the option to be selective about the type of ads you wish to display. This helps you direct your visitors towards certain type of products and avoid non-relevant or competitor ads. To make it possible for everyone to integrate Adsense into their sites, the program offers a wide variety of settings that allow you to alter the ads' size and appearance.

Google offers their Adsense program to just about all website owners. After signing up for the program, you'll receive an HTML/ XML code to paste on all of your web pages. Then, Google will dynamically generate ads that are relevant to your web content. Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the Adsense ads on your site, Google credits your account with a percentage of money that was paid by the advertiser for that ad.

To sign up for this terrific program, hop over to It's super easy to set up - just a few clicks of your mouse and you're ready to go! Once you start displaying targeted Google Adsense ads on your website, you can expect to generate a sizable income depending on the traffic flow to your site and how many visitors actually click on the ads.

About The Author

Lewis Low is the founding editor of For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at

Internet Home Business Opportunities: Adsense

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If you own a website and you know the basics of the html language to be able to edit your website, it is easy to make extra money online to pay your web hosting fee and keep you site running by adding Google Adsense to your site.

With Google Adsense you could insert ads on you website, placed by advertisers through Google Adwords. Google in this case is actually the intermediary between the webmaster and the advertiser. These ads are what you see on top or on the right side of a search page when you search for a term in Google. They are actually mini-ads pertaining a couple of very short sentences with a link redirected to the advertiser’s website. When someone clicks on the ad, it will lead to the site of the advertiser.

To start with Google Adsense you could open an account with Google, get a code and insert it on your website, where you want to have the ad units. You could add up to three ad units or one link unit on one webpage. For the ad units, you can choose between text and image unit, or text and image units separately. Google will take care further steps. Based on the unique content of your site, for example, if it is about home business opportunities, Google will display ads relevant to home business opportunities. This is good for both the webmaster and the advertiser, since the visitors to your site would be interested in your content and the products advertised.

The Google Adsense program will compensates the webmasters for displaying the ads based on the pay-per-click principle. Google will pay you a certain amount each time an ad on your site is clicked by a visitor, and this amount is based on how ‘expensive’ the keywords are in the advertiser’s ad. It is therefore important for webmasters to target for high paying keywords, by optimizing these keywords in the webpages. In fact, there are Adsense websites designed only for making money purely from Google Adsense. Google will pay by checks delivered monthly, or directly into your bank account, when a certain amount is reached. Google Adsense also provides webmasters tools to track a certain ad and monitor the earnings from this ad.

In conclusion, by adding Google Adsense to you website and make sure that your website is rich in relevant contents webmasters could easily make extra money online to keep their site running, next to the earnings you already get from the website. In fact, if you could get a reasonable amount traffic to your website, you could make a nice monthly income with Google Adsense.

About the Author:

Diep Tran is MD, working in the pharmaceutical industry, is Internet marketer, and webmaster of Internet Home Business Opportunities. To Make Money Online, Please visit:

Internet Home Business Ideas for Those Without Any Money: Blogging

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If you would like to start an internet home business without investment of money, and learn internet marketing for free, then blogging is the first method you should think of.What is blogging?

Blogging is basically writing an online journal (or blog) wherein you can pen down your ideas, opinions, thoughts and every thing you can think of.

Setup and Host A Blog

Unlike a website you can set up a blog and hosted for free. If you don't have computer savvy then is the first hosting company to be considered. It is first very easy to set up and maintain and secondly Google owns and they visit web pages on their servers very often and fast, compared to a website. There are also other possibilities to host your blog on e.g. or Moveable, but you will need more computer skills to install your blog on these hosts.

Advantages of a Blog in Comparison to a Website

There are many advantages of a blog above a website, except it's easy to setup and free. You can put every thing in your blog: from a couple of lines what it is on your mind or your new article just published elsewhere, or a product review. In principle, a blog is the same as a website, but you will need to update more frequently to get the visitors to your site. A major advantage of a blog here above a website to getting major search engines like Google and Yahoo to visit your blog frequently is a technique called "pinging". It's a method of notifying all of the major search engines and blog directories, each time that you have updated your blog. The search engines will come and to take a look at your blog, thereby increasing traffic to your blog. If you link your blog to your websites, the search engines will follow the links from the blog pointing to your sites. This will help the search engine rankings of your sites as well!

How to Make Money with A Blog?

You can monetize your blog by creating a blog on a topic people are searching for and that they are spending money on. Do some research of niches based upon pay-per-click advertisers (e.g. Google Adwords) are willing to spend their advertising money on.

Adding Google AdSense ads on my blogs is a good way to make money from your blog. Simply insert these ads in the menu bar and other strategic places on your blogpage. You could also consider other paid advertising on your blog.

Advertise affiliate products in your blog. You could register for an affiliate for free at companies like Clickbank, or Commission Junction. Choose products that you would like to promote and incorporate links on your blog.

In conclusion, blogging is an effective method to make money online, and above all it is free. It should be considered by some one who is new in internet marketing and by who have been in internet marketing for a significant period to improve the business from their websites.

About the Author:

Diep Tran is working in the pharmaceutical industry, is Internet marketer, and webmaster of Internet Home Business Opportunities. To Make Money Online, Visit:

Building A Customer Database

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One of the most important parts of a home business is certainty that you always have enough work to keep the income flow steady. Doing that means that before you ever start your business, you have to begin an advertising campaign so that you have someplace to begin. Do not quit your job and go in with blinders on your eyes or you will fail and be right back working for someone else. You should have a constant flow of potential customers or repeat customers, depending on the kind of business you operate. Some types of home businesses have guaranteed repeat business, while others are usually just occasional jobs.

In order to assure that you always have a constant flow of work, make sure that you always have a database of customers. You do not want to spam anyone but if you have someone who has contacted you in the past about a project or you have worked with someone in the past, you can drop them a short email to see if there is anything else they need you to help them complete. The key is always keeping your contact list up to date and staying in contact with people you assist. You may get into the habit of offering bonuses for referrals that ultimately become one of your customers.

Although advertising is an important part of your business, some fields do not require it simply because of the nature of the work. Transcriptionists, for example, do not require a large database of customers since most of that work will come through the courts, doctors, or lawyers, depending on the type of transcription you do. In most cases, these fields will not require advertising because your credentials alone will keep the clients coming back again.

Even if your business does not require ongoing advertising, you will need to do some initial advertising in order to gain the momentum you need to get your business operating efficiently. You do not have to spend a great deal of money on advertising but you must keep in mind that sometimes the free internet sites do not afford the same success rate as those that require a fee. Even if its a small fee, you will have more success than with a free advertising site.

Other ways of advertising include signature lines in your email, link
exchange programs and making sure that your website is submitted to as many of the search engines as possible within your budget. Some free submission services are available but your site will not reach as many search engines as those charging a fee. Remember the old saying that it takes money to make money, so you have to invest a little of your own money if you expect to make your business the success that you want it to be.

About the Author:

Obinna Heche. Los Angeles - California Delivering the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home successfully..

The Top 3 Reasons Why Webmasters Fail to Make Money With Adsense!

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To make money online with adsense, you need three crucial elements.If you don't have these, you will be amongst the web masters who wonder how money is made with adsense.

Making money with adsense is easy. You just need to play with the rules. If not, you will never see huge paychecks at the end of the month. So what do you need to make money with adsense?

1) Website Traffic

Earning money on the Internet with adsense is not a rocket science. All that you need is a to get traffic to your adsense sites. If you need more money, you just need to get more traffic.

How do you get traffic to your websites?

I will put the most common and effective ways to get traffic to your sites without any specific orders...

You can do any of the following: article marketing, co-registration, forum marketing, blogging to increase traffic to your main sites, writing press releases (PR), pay per click advertising with any of the big three (Google Adwords, Yahoo! and MSN), Real Simple Syndication (RSS), ezine marketing.

I used all these techniques with success, and you must find the one that work for you.

While the techniques to increase traffic to your website are well known in the Internet marketing world, you need to implement the two other tips if you are serious about making cash with adsense.

2) Clicks Through your adsense ads

While increasing your websites traffic is a crucial point, it is not a guarantee that you will make piles of cash with adsense. Actually, many websites out there with thousands of visitors a month only generate a tiny adsense income.

You need to position your adsense ads in the best place on your site. The best place I've found is at the top left of your page. Avoid the big skycrapers, and focus on the rectangular blocks.

While you may think that sycrapers have a better click through (CTR) since they are bigger, it is a big mistake. It is well known that people avoid these: It is called "ads blindness".

3) High Paying Keywords

Here, I do not mean that you must buy a high paying keyword list. This doesn't work anymore! I mean that you should manage to get adsense ads related to your content, otherwise your readers will never click on the ads.

You need to learn how to optimize your pages, and like that, Google bot will reward you by displaying ads related to your content.

Follow these three rules and there is no reason that you don't join the thousands of other webmasters who make money with adsense.

About the Author:

Refine your marketing skills with Frank Silvestre, niche marketing expert. To easily find more untapped adsense niches, and to discover his exclusive method, visit the ultimate niche marketing secret at:

How You Can Turbo Charge Your Income Using `Autopilot Profits` Within The Next 72 Hours!

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AutoPilot Profits gives many people the hope of earning money easy.

The mindset of starting off this turbo-charging device is that nothing comes without hard work. Well, I was having this mindset too when I first got AutoPilot Profits.

Eventually, I realized to be able use AutoPilot Profits effectively, I need patience and determination. It is similar to getting the best saw to cut a tree. If we don’t know how to use it, it is still a white elephant.

AutoPilot Profits is not a product where can you download everything and set it to 'auto'. Rather, I feel than AutoPilot Profits is a very detailed summary of all the best and most effective strategies that you can increase traffic to your website.

As you know, with more traffic to your site, your potential customers can opt-in and they can be converted to paying customers. These will eventually increase your bank account tremendously. AutoPilot Profits is not automatic software that automatically bring in lots of money into your bank account.

It can be, only with your hard work and time. Work still has to be done. Time is required from you. Using AutoPilot Profits can be a steep learning curve for new affiliate marketer. But again, with patience and determination, obstacles can be overcome.

I really love the 59 page e-Book from AutoPilot Profits as it revealed all the marketing strategies. I should have bought it long ago as I took 90 days to learn what the book teaches me in 1 hour. AutoPilot Profits teaches about traffic generation strategies in details.

You may know some of them such as

1. email marketing,
2. using eBay,
3. pay per click advertising,
4. article marketing
5. and many more

AutoPilot Profits is one excellent product that not only tell you what but also tell you exactly how…in steps.

This is what I love about AutoPilot Profits.

I got to confess that whatever I use 6 months to learn, it is all in this eBook.

If you want to waste at least 6 months like me and “slowly discover” the strategies, don’t buy this eBook.

But if you want to drive massive, REALLY MASSIVE traffic to your website and also increase your Page Rank of your site, then you know what you need to do.

Get the AutoPilot Profits.

Both a newbie and experienced marketer can benefit greatly from this auto system. Though for newbie, money may not come knocking at your door immediately, once you grasp the whole concept, everything will be easy.

You must watch the complete set of easy to follow “Step by Step Video Tutorial” videos so that you can apply all the pieces of the concept.

To become richer than you are now, what you can do Right Now are:

1. Research on an audience group that you understand
2. Understand what they want to buy
3. Write an article for this group (max 600 words)
4. Send this article to the group with your affiliate link
5. Write more articles and repeat step 1

If you want to know about the other 10 things you can do, Autopilot Profits can be the resource for you without requiring you to create a website, a product, a sales page or providing any customer service.

About The Author

Jhong Ren is the author for My Wedding Blog.To help other Internet

Marketers, Jhong Ren has come up with a FREE Traffic Generation ecourse at

What is an Aweber Autoresponder?

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Autoresponder puts an online OR offline business on Auto-Pilot, by sending emails to your mailing lists.

I use it to automate my response to my mailing list, saving me valuable time.

When I am talking about valuable time saved, I really meant lots of times in terms of weeks.

How Autoresponders have helped many businesses is that it simplifies the follow-up of its mailing list members, even just to remind its members of their products or services.

When I first own my Autoresponder, I send out messages every few days. Some immediately after they have subscribed. Others at an interval of 2 to 7 days.

Within months of having my blog up, I got 500 members.

I use it to remind my 500 members of my latest post as well as to remind them of my offers of products and services.

I use it to guide my 500 members to the right resources that they want. I emailed them the exact links.

If I were to email them one by one, I don’t think I have time to rest or spend time with my family.

Yes, initially I did. But I realize it was super tedious when my members grew from 10 to 500 over two months.

That is why I got an Autoresponder account to help me in my business.

An Autoresponder has been advertising for me, tirelessly, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week/ 365 days a year. It is always on Auto-Pilot.

There are many different Autoresponder companies. And I like Aweber best.

In fact, I signed up for GetResponse next so that I can have a second Autoresponder to manage my growing business. But GetResponse’s control panel is hard to use and understand. So I fired GetResponse. And I still love Aweber.

Aweber’s user-friendly user interface works well for newbies and even the experienced marketer. It is easy to maneuver between the options.

If you get your Aweber now, you will be able to:

*set up unlimited campaigns
*unlimited messages
*spam checker
*text or html-based messages
*manage your subscribers

As an added bonus, Aweber has a referral compensation program as well, so you can benefit by promoting your Aweber. And I managed to sell some accounts and now my Autoresponder is free.

So what you can do now to grow your business:

1. Identify a target group you want to market to

2. Come up with at least 10 follow-ups emails

3. The first email is always to welcome your subscriber and with the download of freebies e.g. free report or e-Book

4. Write down the time intervals you want to send these emails

5. Once you got your Aweber account, copy and paste the emails into the message boxes

6. Remember to on the “click-tracking” so that you can know how many of your members have clicked on the links

7. Let it run and you go to sleep

So, if you have a set of good marketing emails and are still sending them one by one, please stop doing it right now. To start getting the return on your investment that you deserve, get Aweber now!

About The Author

Jhong Ren is the author for My Wedding Blog.To help other Internet Marketers, Jhong Ren has come up with a FREE Traffic Generation ecourse at

Easy Web Design Software For Home Businesses

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Designing your own website from scratch that you're proud of is not as hard as you may think.Especially nowadays, because there is software available that takes on much of the work that used to be relegated to the webmaster (which is you!).

In days past, in order to build a website from scratch, you had to know HTML, or "Hyper Text Markup Language." And really, you are still better off knowing at least the basics of HTML. Nevertheless, it's not required. Especially if you find easy web design software that does most of the work takes care of this for you. Now, every single HTML editor on the planet now features a "WYSIWYG" interface. (What You See Is What You Get.) So, in theory, you shouldn't have to know the first thing about hand-coding a website.

The reality is, however, not all HTML editors (or "web design software") does WYSIWYG well. Little annoying problems tend to crop up. For example, say you typed the following sentence using your site builder:

"Discover the best places to SCUBA dive in the Cayman Islands." Say you want "best places" to be italicized and "Cayman Islands" to be bolded. Here's what's supposed to happen:

In the background, your HTML editor is supposed to 'type' the phrase as such: Discover the best places to SCUBA dive in the Cayman Islands. (I put extra spaces between the tags for this example, in order to keep the article publishing software from parsing it like normal HTML.)

But instead, this is what you get: "Discover the best places to SCUBA dive in the Cayman Islands." Even though you selected the words "best places" and clicked the little graphical icon on your html editor's toolbar that represented italics, your phrase comes out non-italicized. And your bolded words are not bolded.

Well, in this instance, you'd have to go to the "Source View" of your HTML editor and manually insert the above HTML tags to make these things happen. This is a very annoying problem with too many popular web design software titles nowadays.

Another problem that will frustrate the heck out of you, is seeing a totally different result in the web browser than you see in your desktop. For example, your formatting changes are (apparently) taking effect as you type--just as it should (remember it's touted as being WYSIWYG)...

However, they don't show up when you publish the page to the internet! I don't know why, but this problem still plagues most web design software to this day.

Fortunately, there are a few (very few) good software titles that work for cheap, while doing all the other things to make your site stand out and (if you're so inclined) draw visitors by the hundreds.

About The Author

Charles Brown

Just because you spend lots of money on a HTML editor, doesn't mean it will be easy to use. Discover easy web design software that won't break your wallet. Charles Brown is the author and webmaster of

Conversion Service: feel the difference in your business

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Now a day’s paper has become outdated and organizations are using online services to avoid paper work.For any organization, its biggest and most important asset is its data and more important is perfect accessibility of that data when it is needed. Sometimes it becomes really very difficult to manage such a large amount of data, especially for firms with large amounts of information, multiple formats, and complex system requirements. In order to avoid such situations of mismanagement conversion services are like bliss. Conversion services allow these organizations to systematize their data by putting it into one format which can be used across many different platforms.

Conversion Services has an extremely efficient fast connection via the Internet for outsourcing requirements. It provides convenience and security to organization in managing, updating and retrieving data. Online conversion prevents access, downloads or copying of confidential documents or information. There is particular software which makes conversion more secure and reliable. Conversion services not only saves data but also time and money of any company. Online data retrieval and data entry to search online resources and enter relevant data from those sites into a database is the greatest specialty of conversion services.

Conversion services perfectly handle tasks such as preparation of online catalog by online data-retrieval, searching on the Internet, identifying source URLs, gathering information, deleting the irrelevant portions and adding product images etc. Automating any business by conversion services definitely increases the productivity of that company.

Strategy of conversion service can profoundly benefit multiple areas of organizations, including content and knowledge management, publishing, data exchange, and manufacturing supply chain integration. Conversion services can help you standardize your diverse information into one standardized format and utilize it in content management services. Conversion services are just made to foster growth and development of any organization by providing them with the highest level of service. The final phase of the data conversion process is output. Once the data has been converted, conversion service helps you retrieve your data from your database and output it to a wide variety of destinations including Web and print publishing systems, Web portals, channel partners or business systems.

Conversion Service offers flexibility, responsibility and ability to cater to any new process. If you have a data conversion requirement or want to convert bulk documents than take advantage of conversion services. That enables you to handle large volumes of data. As conversion services cover a multitude of formats it is ideal for corporations, educational institutions, library and business. In conversion quality of work is very essential to get outstanding result. Conversion service prevents access, downloads or copying of confidential documents or information as it customize software for data capture and workflow. Conversion service supports the combination of work teams with client’s in-house team for the smooth progress of client’s on-line data entry needs. If you really want to get rid of tedious data management on papers and want to walk with online world them step towards conversion services and feel the difference.

About The Author

Amit Bhalla works to help all those who want information about the latest and the best, most happening places in the city. To know more about Local search India,local search services delhi, search service delhi, Yellow Pages India, Local Search Service, Conversion Service, visit

High Speed Internet Connection

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Internet has almost become a lifeline for the new generation. Many businesses now depend entirely on the Internet.People residing in different parts of world are able to talk to each other via the medium of Internet. Video conferencing is a live example of it. Many marriages are also made with the help of the Internet. The list of benefits that Internet provides is limitless.

But, what would you do when you have a slow speed internet connection that takes a lot of time? That internet connection would simply be useless to you.

The speed at which you are connected to the Internet plays a very important role in enjoying the advantages offered by it. For example, suppose one of your relatives who is residing overseas, has sent you a holiday clip. Now, if your Internet speed is slow then first of all it would take a long time to load the mail website. Then you would enter your user name and password. It would again take extra time to verify it.

Also, downloading the clip would be very slow, even if its size is very small. Overall, you can say that having a low speed Internet connection (dial-up connection) is not a good thing.

There are many choices available for a high speed Internet connection. DSL, Cable and Satellite are some of them. You can select the best one from them. Here are some of the common benefits that all these high speed Internet connections provide.

* Viewing of streamlining clips or videos is very easy and fast in these connections. Dial-up connections may not even allow their access. * You can upload web pages and download any kind of information or software with more than twice the speed of dial-up connection. * Downloading of images and huge e-mail files can be done almost promptly. * High speed Internet connection has proven to be a boon for all businessmen. They can now access the world wide web within a few seconds. Their businesses have been highly benefited through efficient and quick video conferencing which would have been impossible in a slow dial-up connection. * For those people who work from home, a high speed Internet connection can assist them in increasing their overall work efficiency and output. *

On a long term basis, the high speed Internet connection can prove to be highly economical.

DSL: The best choice for high speed internet connection Now-a-days, DSL has become the leading choice for a high speed Internet connection. DSL works on existing telephone lines. With a DSL connection you can browse the web and talk on the phone at the same time. Generally, a DSL connection requires a DSL router, a dedicated phone line and a network card or a modem for each system. The installation of DSL at your location is the responsibility of the service provider. Last but not the least, this high speed Internet connection is offered at very affordable prices.

About The Author

Toh Poh Leng owns and operates Dsl Upgrade

4 Ways To Increase Your Company`s Sales

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When faced with diminishing sales or a shift in profitability, sometimes a company will seek opportunities to expand sales by using different marketing methods.These time-tested marketing principles are used by businesses to seek out new opportunities to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

There are 4 ways to increase sales and expand revenue for your company. It is not necessary to use more than one of these methods. The best choice of the 4 methods is the one that will meet the needs of the company and the consumer best. This will provide a win-win situation for all concerned.

To increase sales consider one of the following methods for seeking opportunities in your target market:

1. Market Penetration:

Increase the market share of your current products in your present market. By up scaling your marketing mix you can increase your sales. To do this you advertise your present products more frequently and promote your company's image to the public through institutional advertising and publicity.

2. Market Development

You can also try to sell your present products in new markets. You have to do some market research on the needs of the consumers in these markets first.

Your product may have other demographic groups that need it as well. This is a recommended area to investigate for more profit. Often your present products are in demand in other locations, with other age groups, or professional groups. This is an opportunity for more sales many companies look for.

3. Product development

You can increase your sales by offering new and improved products to your present market. This will give you an edge over your competition. Your customers will view your company as being progressive and up to date. This is not only a great way to increase sales, but your customers will remember your company because of the unique product you sell.

4. Diversification

If you are well established in one line of business, you may wish to diversify into a totally new one. This means moving into a new market with a new product. This can keep your profits on the rise. Here again, market research and marketing plans have to be made first.

As you can see there are opportunities for gaining sales in all four areas. The best choice for your business depends on your goals and the resources you have.

The best way to capitalize on these strategies is to start with your present strengths and look for market opportunities that complement them. Then do your market research and planning. The sky is the limit when you plan ahead using these proven marketing tactics.

This article may be reprinted in full. The resource box and hyperlink must remain intact.

About The Author

Marc Entz is the Editor of The SavePress Smart Money Directory, a new upbeat site for people who like valuable resources for saving money. You can read several articles with tips for business or pleasure, or catch up on a variety of related news at our website online now:

The Blockbuster Benefits Of Selling Information On The Net

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An entrepreneur on the Information Superhighway sells information, in fact, almost all successful online businesses sell information in some form or another.The most famous example is Bill Gates. He has become the one the richest man on Earth because he sells software, which is an information product.

So what’s the big deal in selling information products online? Let's check out some of the benefits in doing so -

1) Low Start-up Costs

In comparison to a traditional bricks and clicks business, an online business requires low start up costs. For example, a franchise will set you back as much as $500,000 or more just for the rights to get started. You can start your own information business for less than $1,000.

2) Low Inventory Costs

You keep little or no inventory. Most information products can be produced and compiled into electronic format. As you can see, today information products are ebooks, manuals, as well as software. You have no inventory cost except investing in some software in the first place. Compare that to a traditional publishing business which might cost you thousands of dollars just for printing, labor, storage, etc.

3) Zero Shipping Costs

Don't overlook the cost of shipping in a traditional business. Just imagine how much money you might lose if the order was returned due to credit card fraud, a customer request for a refund, or product damage during the course of shipping? On the other hand, the delivery of electronic information products is safe, it is instant, and it is online. The only costs you bear are for web hosting and insignificant credit card processing fees.

4) High Mark-Ups

Information products have a high mark-up because customers are not paying for the format in which the products are delivered. They are paying for the valuable information contained within. Actual production costs are irrelevant and can not be applied when dealing with these types of products.

5) Your Business Runs Entirely on Autopilot!

Your whole business can be set to run on autopilot, right from customer follow-ups, to taking orders, credit card processing, to products download, and delivery. The system runs 24/7, 100% automatically, while you work on other projects, or spend time on vacation with your family. That's really a dream business!

To kick start your online information selling business, you will need to have a set of your own high-demand products. You may want to create your very own product from scratch, or you can purchase resell rights to an existing product that already has demand. The latter will be a great option if you don't have the time or would rather save yourself the hassle of creating your own product from scratch.

In either case, be sure to do your own market research before attempting any course of action. This should prevent you from getting into buying or producing unwanted products or products without market.

About The Author

Lewis Low is the founding editor of For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at

Selling Your Product Online Is Not As Hard As You May Think – Few Easy Steps

Selasa, 04 Maret 2008 | | 0 komentar |

The prevalence of selling product online is increasing by the day.Why? Because even when you are peacefully sleeping, you can be assured that your product is being viewed without you having to do anything.

Of course, this is not always the case especially if you have just started promoting your product. There are still a lot of things that you need to do to get your product or service to the online market. Most often than not, a tremendous effort on your part will be required.

Selling products online can be done in several ways. In fact, there are so many ways that you will have no excuse for not succeeding in the business you want to venture in.

One way of selling products online is by joining subsisting domains like the widely known You can list as many items as you wish to sell and for every sale, you give the site a percentage of it. So, there is mutual relationship. They help you and you help them.

Another way is through auction sites such as eBay where you can post your products and allow people to bid for how much a product will be bought for.

Now, if you do not want to join any other website, then you can opt to set up your own online store. However, this may cost you a big amount of funds. You will have to spend for registering a domain name, website hosting, software for e-commerce, website development and maintenance, internet access among many others. You also need to hire a professional to work on your website design and everything else that is needed. A lot of time and effort is required if you choose this option.

You do not always have to spend a great deal just to sell your products online, though. You just have to learn to be resourceful and strategic in finding means to get your products online. One way is through direct mail. Nowadays, it has become almost impossible to make use of email to introduce your product to prospective buyers because of spam filters. However, there is actually an option to buy or rent a mailing list that will help you reach potential customers.

Another is through blog. If you have one, you can actually make use of it to advertise a product or products that you want to sell. You just have to build traffic to your blog so to make sure that your product is being viewed. Get more subscribers as much as possible. You may also use your blog to inform people about your product.

Ezines could also work for you. If you can make quality write-ups about your product or service, submit them to any popular ezine sites. It can also help if you write about other interesting and unique topics. Just make sure that you have your signature box ready with your product name, URL and a brief description. By writing free informative information that might be of interest to more people, you are at the same time promoting yourself and your expertise to thousands of online business persons online. You will build credibility and they will trust that your products are good.

Selling products online should be easy. You just have to find the right technique to get potential customers and successfully make a sale.

About The Author

Egidijus Andreika is a creator of Click2Sell.EU - affiliate marketing network. Click2Sell offers money making opportunity with online affiliate program network. Merchants - sell your products and develop online business. Affiliates - work at home and earn money online. Visit

Make Profit From The Internet - A Fairytale?

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Is there any difference between the idea of working from home at the Internet and the believing that there is gold at the end of the rainbow?If you are believing that it should be as simple as clicking the mouse to to make a living out of the Internet. Well, then there isn't much of a difference.

You may have been lead to believe that all you have to do is create a web site and the money will rain over you day and night. Or if you have a unique product that no one else have thought of, you will be home free. If you have that niche product and a flashy web site, then you must really be able to just sit back and watch the money rolling in, right?

You have bought the message from aggressive advertisements: You can get everything you want right now. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. However, if you are willing to to work for what you desire, and allow it to take time, you will be able to make a good living out of the Net.

There is no secret how to be profitable online. The information you need is easy accessible all over the world wide web. Prepare yourself for some serious research. When you have found all the necessary information, you need to use your new knowledge. It's time to get started.

Every time you are out on the Internet looking for information, you'll face advertisements telling you that making money on the Internet is a piece of cake. All of them will tell you a similar story: This is the ultimate secret revealed, purchase this idea and the money will be flooding your bank account, starting yesterday.

In order to get your business a fair chance you need to do some planing. You need to know what you want to do and you simply must realize that it is going to take hard work and commitment to make money on the Internet. Anyone telling you something else, just want you to buy his "make money on the Internet" fairytale.

Let's look at it this way, if you intend to start a regular business in your hometown, you'll have to put in a lot of hard work, passion and determination to make profit and stay in business. You must treat your Internet business in the same manner.

One of the perks coming with an Internet business is that once you have everything in place and working, you actually can spend less time on it. Before you reach that position though, you'll have to face the reality. Nobody will hand it to you on a silver platter. You want it, you are the one who make it happen.

About The Author

Ove Nordkvist has created his web site for generating small business ideas. Visit to design your Internet work from home business idea.